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Sarah Jane Smith: A Beloved Companion, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sarah Jane Smith

If there is one companion of the classic series I remember the most it is Sarah Jane Smith. She is played by Elisabeth Sladen, and becomes the companion of the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee about a year before he decides to leave the role. She to me does a beautiful job as the Doctor’s companion.

We first see her in the story “The Time Warrior” in 1973(1) and she will continue with the Doctor for three seasons. She is a journalist who really grows on the Doctor. The Third Doctor takes her in and she begins to travel with him. I believe she is the first companion to fall in love with the Doctor. This of of course is before all the romantic stuff we see with the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. Which I personally do not see why it is even there, but those running the how think it it needed.

I love Sarah Jane. She is a good mix of strength and weakness. There are times when she can take care of herself and then there are times she needs the Doctor. Then of course there are times she needs him. I love the relationship between Tom Baker and Elizabeth as they work well together. These two are the first pair I see as I begin to watch Doctor Who and they are an integral part of my Who history.

Sarah Jane is probably one of the most loved companions of Doctor Who. She will later be given her on series The Sarah Jane Adventures. Which I really want to watch but have not had that chance yet. So, what I am hoping for is that somehow I can find these adventures somewhere. Then there also is another spin off which fails called K-9 and company. This apparently is where the Doctor gives her K-9.

I believe the Doctor Cares for her very much. Through her years on Doctor Who you can see that he does. Then at the same time you can see that she falls in love with him and that she hates to leave him. Now, this romantic thing with these two is far less noticeable than the one with Ten and Rose. BUt it there nonetheless. They even make reference to it when she returns during the Tenth Doctor’s reign. She and Rose even seem to fight over him, but not really because she has moved on.

I love the fact that the Fourth Doctor leaves K-9 with her to protector her. This is a great wrinkle in the Doctor Who story. The only problem for me with this is that I don’t remember this taking place. But my memory is not the best so I guess I need to go watch some of the Fourth Doctor’s stories, or at least the one which Sarah Jane Smith leaves.

I love the fact that Russell Davies and Stephen Moffat bring back Sarah Jane. She is a wonderful character. I loved her from the beginning and will always love her. I really hate that we lost her at such a young age. It is sad Sarah Jane Smith will never return to Doctor Who. The Eleventh Doctor is last to see her and that is all there will be with Sarah Jane Smith.

I can’t say it enough, but I will Sarah Jane is one of my favorite companions of the classic series. I find some of the other ones interesting, but I guess because she is the first one I see I tend to say she is my favorite. Hey, it is human nature for us to be like that. I am sorry that the Twelfth Doctor could not see her and now that the Doctor is a female I wonder what Sarah Jane would think about that. Well, we will never know. Here is to a great character and companion of Doctor Who.






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