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Rosa Parks: There Are Still Some People, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Rosa Parks

Chris Chibnall in Rosa returns Doctor Who to its roots. Doctor Who fans who started watching in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s remember the historical episodes. There were several including The Aztecs and the Romans to name a couple. When Doctor Who started in 1963, Doctor Who was to be a children’s show used to teach children about history. So, during the first three years of the show, they shot some historical stories including The Aztecs and the Romans.

Well, they would shoot a historical episode every once in a while but not that often. So, when Chibnall chose to shoot this episode, he returns to the beginning. There will be fans who don’t agree with this and even take issue with it. Mostly because it is not one hundred percent accurate, but most of it is correct. There are a few fans who will do this and find a way to voice their opinion, but most fans will love the episode.

Chris Chibnall takes Doctor Who fans back to 1955 and brings them an emotional story. To see the way Ryan reacts when he gets slapped in the face because of his color is accurate. Because during that time in the southern states in the US, African Americans did not have any rights. People of that day treated them horribly. The circumstances which surround Rosa are still with people today.

Once the Doctor tells everyone where they have landed along with the year, Graham remarks he would like to see Elvis. The Doctor’s response is classic. “I believe he is in New York.” But the story does tell of the fight which Rosa was apart. At that time in American, things are very different from today.

Adding an alien named Krasco adds to the story. He is from the future and seems to hate people of color. He is there to stop Rosa from taking her stand. For once the Doctor realizes her purpose there is to guard history. The action is realistic, and the use of Krasco shows there are people even in the present who resent people of color. Whether they are black, yellow, or whatever color skin they have.

The way the Doctor preserves history is Doctor Who. What else are fans to expect? If anyone thought otherwise, what do you expect? The Doctor not to show up and intervene. Everyone knows the TARDIS is in control and takes the Doctor where she is needed.

Chibnall uses the facts and fiction to make an emotional story. He intertwines them and makes a good story. He uses Ryan and Yaz equally well as they fight to keep history intact. Then Graham plays his part by getting the bus driver on the bus. In the end, seeing the police come to arrest Rosa, will bring tears to your eyes. And give the viewers a better understanding of the USA in the 1950s.

What is sad is there are still people like Krasco. The fight is not over, because of those type of people in our world today. As Ryan said, things are better, but not perfect. Racism is real even in our advanced society. Which is sad, especially considering how far we have come since 1955?


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