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River: A Song for the Doctor Which Should be Heard Again, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

River Song

I know that I am critical of Steven Moffat when it comes to Doctor Who. But his adding Professor River Song to Doctor Who is great. I love the fact that Moffat wanted to make the Doctor a husband. Apparently he is married one time already. I see that because he has a granddaughter when the series begins. Of course it is not inconceivable that he gets married again. The way Moffat plays this out is great.

Of all the things Moffat did on Doctor Who, River Song is probably the best to me. I personally never thought of the Doctor being married again. I mean he never takes the time to get to know anyone because he is always running. Ever since stealing the TARDIS, he has not stopped running. It is like he does not want to stay anywhere very long. It is like if they catch him, he will go to jail. Because of this, I never see the Doctor marrying anyone. But Moffat brings us the character River Song and writes that she is his wife. Wow, that was a stoke of genius. I believe it brought some excitement to the show.

I know that she appears during Russell Davies time as the showrunner, but I believe she is Moffat’s baby. If I am wrong about that please forgive me. When she appears in the Silence in the Library, she totally confuses about who she is. RIver has a diary of all their travels and never lets him see it. She calls them spoilers of his future.

River brings some good things to Doctor Who, and I hope that Chris Chibnall will think about bringing her back. We never see where she travels with the Doctor. She only makes appearances here and there. Maybe her time on Doctor Who is up, but my hope is that it is not.(1)


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