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Politically Correct: What Is Up With Chibnall, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Politically Correct

Being politically correct seems to be a trend in our world today. There are many things which from days past were seen are now wrong and ruffle feathers when they arise. Well, that seems to be the case with some of the issues Chris Chibnall tackled in Season 11. According to this article from Radio Times, some fans are upset about those episodes.
Chibnall defends his actions by saying the issues are fundamental for our time. Some fans may agree with him while others won’t. Those who don’t agree with him are the ones who don’t like seeing them. Well, these same issues raise their ugly today. They are as he says fundamental. People want equality and thought of as inferior or different.
The history of the world shows us that sexism and racism have been around for a long time. We are the only ones who can change this. We must make an effort not to treat other races or even the opposite sex differently. Our world has come a long way since the reign of King James and Rosa Parks, but we are not there yet.
There are still many in our world who think that skin color is a reason to discriminate, but that is not the way things are meant to be. Men and women are all created in God’s image and are equal in every way. Yeah, they are different physically and mentally, but that does not mean that one person is less important than another. So, this is something which remains at the forefront in our world today.
The fact Chibnall was politically correct in a couple of episodes is not a reason to get mad. As fans, we need to look at our world and see we are not perfect and these issues are still around. So, yeah being politically correct is fundamental to our society.
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