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Placement: Fugitive Doctor Should Be Where?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Kai Young writes this article trying to explain the best placement of the Fugitive Doctor. Chibnall introduces the Fugitive Doctor in season 12. The BBC later confirms her as the original Doctor. Where does the Fugitive Doctor belong in the timeline of our favorite Timelord? Are the fans concerned about her position in the Doctor’s timeline? Because of her introduction, some fans may want to know more about her. They might be curious about where she belongs. According to the story, she is the original.

Why is her placement important? Why did Chibnall do what he did? Some fans care about where she belongs. Others are wondering where did the idea come from? For older fans, it is more of a surprise. Why does it surprise some fans? If you begin watching Doctor Who as a child, the first Doctor is William Hartnell. He has a granddaughter named Susan, and they live in a police box next to a junkyard. Her placement can’t be before Hartnell. Well, that theory is relevant because the Doctor is the Timeless Child. Kai Young gives us a better position for her. Some fans may agree with him.

Placement for her may be better somewhere else. One suggestion that makes sense is between the second and third doctors. Why, you might ask. This seems to be a logical position. Fans don’t know what happens between the trial and his landing on earth. Is there any space for another incarnation? Is there a second and third regeneration? How much does it matter? Yeah, it changes things for the lore of Doctor Who. Therefore, the history of Doctor Who changes. However, the placement needs to make sense. Fans will either like it or dislike it. Some fans say, “Who cares.” While others get mad. Wondering why? Fans want the best, and things change from time to time. But was this too much of a change? What does this do for Doctor Who?






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