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Old School Writer to Write for Moffat, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Well, what can I say. This Doctor Who fan from the 1980s forward is really excited about the article I just read. I do know that the special effects from the classic series are not very good, but the stories are usually great. Having an old school writer pen a story for season 10, really gives me something to look forward to.

Who Steven Moffat is looking to use, the article says he does not know right now.(1) What I am wondering though is how far back he is going? I believe that most of the scriptwriters from the 1960 and some of those from 1970s may not be with us any more. So, this is really intriguing. The think with this is that there are probably at least 10 to 15 if not more still living.

The stories from the classic for their time are interesting and for this fan kept me watching and waiting for the next. Of course, I did not see any of the serials until they where at least 7 to 10 years old. The show when I am a child or teeenager is not as popular here as it is now. The broadcasting of the show was on Louisiana Public Broadcasting. At that time there is not BBC America, so that means access to Doctor Who is allot less than now. I am still able to watch and get hooked on the show and look forward to everyday after school to get home and turn on the television to watch the next episode.

The old school writers kept me coming back for more, so this is a great idea. I certainly hope this continues with the next showrunner. This may bring more fans or even have some fans return if they have left. I say this because the older fans who left may not like the writing now, but with old school writer see them return out of curiosity.

The announcement of Moffat to have an old school writer pen a script for season 10 is a breathe of fresh air for this fan. Then at the same time it is a surprise. Therefore, you may say that I have mixed feelings but that is not true. Some fans may think that old blood and it will harm the new show. But I believe that this will be good for the show. Older fans of the show who like the stories of the classics series may be happy. I say this because they can relate better with the old school writer more. Heck I do not know, I just think it is cool that Moffat is wanting to bring back old school to the show.

Now, if you are thinking this is the first time Moffat has went old school, well you are wrong. I did not know this until now, but on of the classic series directors has worked with the new series. Oh, you mean a classic series player has been used before. Yes, according to the article, Graeme Harper, a director from 1984 and 1985 has helped. He contributed to the new series form 2006 to 2009. So, this isn’t anything new.

Moffat confirmed this at Comic Con in New York this past week.(2) I am so looking for to this and the new season. There is a st date for it to air. The only episode airing for sure is the Christmas special on Christmas Day.




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