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October: Doctor Who Returns to Our TV Screens, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Whovians are on the edge of their seats as they wait for the beginning of Season 11. The good thing is the BBC has confirmed the first episode will air in October. Thomas Ling of the Radio Times tells us this in this article. Of course, this is good news for all Whovians around the world. We now know to be watching our tellies to find out what time and day.

The BBC did its very best to build excitement for season 11. The publicity they put out is all on the positive side with the hope to get fans fired up about Jodie Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor. Not only have they tried to build her up, but they have given the TARDIS crew as much publicity. As a fan, this publicity is what the new Doctor and her crew needs.

There have been both positive and negative responses to the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor. These kinds of reactions are understandable. The lead character for this program has always been a male and the change to some is extreme.

Well, all our fears and anxieties will either be confirmed or fade away. Now, my hope is everything goes well. Many fans dislike the change in gender as well as the change in the production team. I can’t say much about the changes because I don’t much experience with either Whittaker or Chris Chibnall. The one thing I do have is the word of other Whovians who have more experience with these two.

Of course, these opinions vary from one person to the next. Some love Whittaker and say she is going to do a great job. But then again there are those who say she is not going to be very good. Everyone has an opinion which comes from judging a person by looking at their previous work history. You can say the same thing about Chibnall. I have read different ideas about him as well. Most of what I have heard is negative from Whovians. But I will wait to pass judgment.

I am excited that we have some idea of the air date for season 11. The only thing now is to remain patient and wait. Hey, all I can say is we have waited this long, another few weeks won’t hurt. Every need to prepare themselves for the new season to be open-minded as the BBC airs the first episode. No one knows for a fact, whether things will be bad or good.





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