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New TARDIS: Will Jodie Whittaker Get One, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


A new TARDIS seems to come almost for every new Doctor, but that of course is not new. I really cannot say that it does take place for every incarnation, but it does change after a few years. My guess is that the producer and crew get tired of the old and feel like making it more modern. I say this because if ever notice when they do change the appearance it seems more technologically advanced.

I can say most likely and I may be wrong, but the first change comes with Jon Pertwee. If I am wrong please set me straight. I did not see many of the stories of William Hartnell or Patrick Troughton. I do know there is a change sometime in Tom Baker’s reign as the Doctor. There is a certainty that the Fourth Doctor got a new Tardis. Now when I say new TARDIS I am only talking about the interior.

There may have been a change either with Colin Baker or Sylvester McCoy. Please forgive me if my memory does not serve me well. The two Doctor I watched the most are Tom Baker and Peter Davidson of the classic series. I did not get to much of Colin Baker nor Sylvester McCoy because of all that was going on with the show in the eighty’s. What that means is I cannot remember if there is any changes to the interior of the TARDIS. There may have been I just don’t remember it.

The interior of the TARDIS changes for the movie and then with the Ninth Doctor. But not completely sure. The regeneration of the Ninth Doctor does not destroy the TARDIS so David Tennant does not get a New TARDIS. But then the Tenth Doctor regenerates and destroys the inside. So Matt SMith’s Doctor get’s a new interior.

We have seen two Doctors with this interior and we are also getting a new production crew. What I am getting at is that Jodie Whittaker may have a new interior for the old police box.  Now I get this idea from this article from Radio Times.

Time will only tell but I would say we may see a new look TARDIS interior come the fall of 2018.

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