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New Showrunner Chibnall to Begin New Era for Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

New Showrunner

A new era will begin with Doctor Who in 2018 with new showrunner Chris Chibnall? Now, I realize I wrote about this a few days ago. At the time what I read seems to only be rumors. But I found this article this morning and the rumors look to be true. In the last article, the statement is that the BBC wants change because the sales of merchandise had fallen off. So, in an attempt to make more money from Doctor Who merchandise. I believe all Doctor Who fans need to know about such things so a second article on the subject is big.

Well, as look at this article and the other article there are few things which I notice. The reason the first one gives as the reason is a valid reason. If the BBC sees sales declining, they need to find out why. The merchandise is where they make some of their money from the show. Therefore, if the sales are down because of the present Doctor then change what is happening. Now, if there is one show which can do this it is Doctor Who.

Now, the reason for the drop in sales may be because of Peter Capaldi, then again it may not. I did not check the ratings of the show, but I think they are still good or they would not continue as they have. I mean I like Capaldi as the Doctor, but maybe the younger viewers don’t. If they don’t, that will cause ratings to drop and merchandise sales to drop as well.

Now the ratings dropping and merchandise sales going down may be one reason for Steven Moffat to be stepping down as showrunner. I really don’t know, therefore that is just a thought. I believe that Moffat is doing a great job with the show.

Now, the BBC wants a new era to begin when Chris Chibnall takes over after season 10.(1) With that happening, Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie will leave the show. The new era will begin in 2018 with a new Doctor and new companion. All I have to say is wow! Just as I get use to one Doctor they go and change the lead character and companion as well.

This will be third showrunner since the revival of Doctor Who. Russell T Davies brings the show back in 2005. He produces the show until 2010 when David Tennant leaves the show as the Doctor. Steven Moffat takes over and runs the show through the end of season 10. Now that the third showrunner is taking over, the BBC wants to change everything. I can see why they do to some extent. The lack of sales is a fairly good reason, but I do wish that they look at other things.

The broadcast business is all about the money though. They need to pay the actors and make money to pay all their works as well as those working on television shows. Owing a broadcasting company is much like owning your own store or restaurant. You cannot keep the doors open if you are not selling merchandise. Only time will tell if the new era is successful. All we as fans can do is sit back and wait to see who they cast for both the Doctor and his companion.



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