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My Doctor: RTD Gives His Choice for His Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

My Doctor

In this article from Radio Times by Huw Fullerton, Russell Davies says my Doctor is Christopher Eccleston. Every fan of Doctor Who has their personal favorite. For me, there are two Doctors at the top of my list. The race is close, but Tom Baker is my Doctor. But David Tennant is a close second.

I love the way, RTD responds to what Eccelston said last month. He is right. There is not any place for a tit for tat. I also like the fact that he sees it a duty to take care of his lead actor. These are strong words. He sees it as part of his job. And later calls Eccleston my Doctor.

Now as a boss, one needs to realize there is a need for respect. Admittedly, Davies was the boss and Eccleston the employee. I agree taking care of your lead actor is listening to him and respecting him all the time.

Now, this may mean Eccleston is Davies favorite. Then again maybe it means my Doctor at the time they are working together. If you read the article though, Davies compliments Eccleston, so there is the possibility Eccleston is his favorite Doctor.

There are many words I agree with here. It took a brave man to step into the role of the Doctor. There are always those out there who tell that someone else will be better than you. With all the people talking and the media saying one thing, Eccleston had much to prove.

You know I haven’t watched every episode of the first season, and realize I need to do that. I have only seen probably three or four, but I like the ones I watched.

There is much to gain from reading this article. RTD likes many different aspects of Eccleston’s acting abilities and highlights many of them. I can’t say and may never say that Eccleston is my Doctor, but I like what I saw of him and can see where RTD sees him as my Doctor as he says.

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