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Light Is Now a Scarce Commodity Because the Eaters of Light Are Come, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Light seems to to be scarce. The Doctor lands where I guess right now is earth. This something I can’t say for sure, but the time frame seems during the Dark Ages on Earth. When he first appears there is plenty of sunlight. Then as the program progress the light disappears. During this he tells Bill and Nardol about creatures which are deemed eaters of light. I really did not catch all he said but once again Doctor Who brings some very scary monsters to the screen.

I truly cannot wait to see what transpires this week. Every episode so far this season has been great. The writing is tremendous and the imagination behind all of is great. The idea here is not really new because I notice there is a book with the seventh Doctor and Ace about these creatures. I do not know whether the writer gets his ideas from the book or not. What I mean I really do not know if this is something new or not. It is something new to the television series but not necessarily the program itself.

My hope is that the show is as good as the trailer. If this story is like the last nine then I have not one thing to worry about. What I mean is that I and the rest of the whovian nation are in for a great ride Saturday night.

Eaters of light what a title and what thoughts I have when it comes to these creatures. Light to me and probably many of the fans of the show means life. These creatures are going to be killers and will snuff out the life within a person and kill them. It also seems they take the life from the world around them making it dark so that people can’t see them.


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