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Leaving: Thoughts on the Actor and the BBC Revealing He is Leaving Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Leaving Doctor Who is a big deal. This seems to be the norm with Doctor Who. What I mean is the companions leave and eventually the Doctor regenerates. As a result, this means the acteor is leaving the role.

The other day I am reading the comments on a Facebook post about Peter Capaldi announcing his leaving Doctor Who. Because of him revealing his leaving before Season 10 starts some of the fans are upset. Ok, I can see the point of this and I to think maybe the BBC can handle it better.

Some of the comments say that what they should do and wait and tell the fans after the season is over. Now, you may say well how will that work. See, now that we know Peter is leaving then there is not any surprise of a regeneration. I agree with this and I also believe if they withhold this information and who is replacing Peter there is a greater surprise. But the BBC will announce who the next Doctor is well before the Christmas Special airs.

Personally, I really did not want to know that Capaldi is leaving the show. I want to just see the Doctor regenerate and it be a surprise. Yeah that is right. I feel that it is better to get a surprise than to just let everyone know. But what seems to be the way for the BBC is for someone to open their mouth and let everyone know. Why can’t the actor, the BBC and anyone working on the show just keep it hush. I am reading the history of Doctor Who and I will be looking for signs that in the classic series that it is kept mum.

The announcement of Capaldi leaving does and doesn’t surprise me. I know that if I am the main character of the show and all the plots and other pieces of the show revolve around my companion, I will not like it. Now the reason for Capaldi leaving, I have not found it yet. Therefore, anything I think is speculation. But if I am the one leaving, I believe I will keep it to myself. But, the actor is only part of the equation.

I admit it is okay to here from the people involved in the show when some one leaves, but BBC please try to not tell anyone until the end of the actors final show. I know when I was watching Doctor Who growing up. The regeneration came and I had no idea it was going to happen. Of course in the 80s Doctor Who is not as popular nor do we have the technology we have now. With that being said. I just wish that people would keep their mouth shut when it comes to leaving Doctor Who.

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