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Is Captain Jack Harkness Returning to Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Now, when we as fans see the actor or actress who plays a specific character in a TV program, there is always excitement. Especially if they were really good and liked. This of course is a teaser and we really do not know what is going on but hey it is just good to see John Barrowman again. The teaser is great and after reading the article, you really do not know which way the BBC is going.

I want to be honest. I really never got into to Torchwood, but I have not seen much of it either, but I most definitely remember Captain Jack Harkness. He was a great character for Doctor Who. The fact that because of an accident he becomes immortal is very fitting for Doctor Who.

Now, I do cross my fingers in hopes of the return of either return. Because I believe allot of are ready for new adventures with Captain Jack Harkness. Either on Doctor Who or in Torchwood would be great. I do have to ask the question. If he is not returning why is he posing in front of a TARDIS with his agent.(1)

Apparent the picture received lot of positive comments.(2) Which is a good indication the fans wish to see Captain Jack again. I believe it will be a good thing for the BBC to bring Captain Jack and Torchwood back. There are already rumors that Torchwood is returning, so that maybe the way the BBC is going.

The article also makes the statement that Alex Kingson may return as River Song on Torchwood.(3) What a revelation that is? Now, I do realize Torchwood is a Doctor Who spinoff and any character from Doctor Who can crossover to Torchwood. With that said it is not a surprise to see talk about River Song to Torchwood.

I do know that Torchwood benefits from being a spinoff of Doctor Who. It also does not hurt to have Steven Moffat as the creator of the show. I do realize I need to take the time and watch the show. I am a big fan of sci-fi and really get into those types of shows, and love them and the fact I never got into Torchwood is something I cannot explain.

Now, the article did not say for for sure these things will take place. It only says that Barrowman was attending secret meetings.(4) When thinking about is a teaser. But for me if he is there then there i traction for the teaser to take place. What seems to be is that Harkness brought ratings for Doctor Who and then Moffat transfers him to Torchwood. Now that fans are wishing to see more of Captain Jack his return may be iminate.

Well, all I can do is sit back and wait. I am not going to my hopes to hi, but I will be looking for the decision the BBC bosses make on Captain Jack, River Song, Doctor Who, and Torchwood.

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