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Influence: A Bridge Like the USS Enterprise, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Everyone knows Bradley Walsh stayed the course as he waited to see who the Doctor would be. Some of the fans may wonder what makes him remain as he waits for the announcement? Well, in this article from Radio Times, fans get another reason for him waiting patiently. When told Season 11 would have an influence from Star Trek, Walsh became fully committed to Doctor Who.

Since Steven Moffat stepped down and the BBC chose Chris Chibnall as the new showrunner, there are changes coming. Since hearing this, the BBC is promoting all the changes. Of course, they call the changes groundbreaking. So, fans may ask what do you mean by groundbreaking?

So, the BBC promises a groundbreaking season of Doctor Who. Which means fans will now wonder how will it be groundbreaking?  One way is an influence from Star Trek. What will they see which mimics Star Trek? Some may ask how will this be groundbreaking? When thinking about this, one may see how. The TARDIS is not set up like the USS Enterprise at all, so this will be a big change.

Some fans may wonder, when the writer says a bridge, what does he mean. Well, the bridge is a Naval term for the place the captain and his crew steer the ship. In the case of Star Trek, it is the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Now, does that mean the TARDIS control room will mimic the one on Star Trek? Fans can consider that being one answer. But maybe just maybe, the term is more like the hierarchy on the bridge? The bridge consists of the captain, the first mate,  and others to keep the ship on course. Which can mean everyone in the crew will have similar jobs.

Who knows how this will work or even how it will look? The cast and crew know how it works as well as looks, but fans will not know until season 11 hits their televisions on October 7th. Fans are ready. They have waited long enough and heard enough. They want to see for themselves if all the hype is not just hype.


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