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Hype: Episode One Lived Up to It, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Leading up to the premiere of The Woman Who Fell to Earth, the BBC made much of the new era and Season 11. The hype fans received was there and some of them did worry because of unknowns. But what fans saw was just what the BBC promised.

The use of Jodie Yorkshire accent is perfect. That is something which comes across really great. The way the cast worked together is another part of the show which did well. The story and the new alien was great as well.

Some fans were apprehensive when it came to what they would get. There were many different ideas to why this was not going to be good. Admittedly, everyone who had doubts had their reasons. They can be seen as legitimate. Some fans who did know much about either Jodie or Chris Chibnall had every right as to figure this may not be good. Then you have those who simply against everything the BBC did. Therefore, their expectations were not high.

Now, there are still those who did not watch the premiere because they just did not want to see a female Doctor or they don’t like Chibnall or Jodie. Now, that the premiere has happened, there are many who have a change of mind. They are now saying this is going to be a great thing. If you did not see the premiere then it is a must see. Chibnall and Jodie and the cast gave a great show last night worth seeing a second and third time.

If anyone had doubts they should be gone. Now, there are going to be times fans don’t get great episodes, but that is because that is part of being human. We make mistakes and don’t always do great or even good. Old fans of Doctor Who that did not watch for any reason need to watch The Woman Who Fell to Earth. They will have their eyes open to what people can do when they put their mind to it. And by the way, there would not have any problems with this had John Nathan Tuner Cast a female as the Doctor in the 1980s.

Great job Jodie, cast, Chibnall, and production crew. Their work was magnificent and the cinematography is unreal. Here is to a new great era of Doctor Who.

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