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Forest of the Dead: The End of RIver Song What a Tagedy, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Forest of the Dead

The Forest of the Dead is the climax and ending for the two part story involving The SIlence in the Library. During the first part we find that 4022 people are saved by the computer. Who the computer is not revealed until this episode and it makes the Doctor rather angry.

They begin this episode where they end the last one. The Doctor and five others are running from the Vashta Nerada. The still hasn’t figured out why the Vashta Nerada are in the Library. He to some extent is a little dense to my surprise. He talks with them and tells them that they live in the forest. Therefore, at first he ses they have no right to be in the library. Well, after thinking about it he figures out why they are in the Library. The books are made of paper which in turn comes from trees.

Donna is transported into the data core in order to save her from the Vashta Nerada. In the core she finds that she is married and has two children. On of the flight crew is in the data core. Miss Evangelista helps Donna to realize things are not right because there is damage to the data core.

The five run from the Vashta Nerada as long as they can, but only three survive. Lee, the Doctor, and River Song are the only ones physically in the Library at this point. The Doctor knows he must fix the data core to save the library. During this he face of with the Vashta Nerada and they begin to reach out to eat him. During the exchange he makes the statement, “You don’t want to mess with me. You are in a library look me up.” As a result the Vashta Nerada retreat.

It also at this time the Doctor finds out the truth about Cal. SHe is the great aunt of Lee. She was dying and her family places her consciousness in a computer in the library. I am not sure but I believe that Lee is her only surviving relative and is responsible for her.

River has went away and then she comes back she punches the Doctor. She know that he can’t die here. She is here because his future self knows he will die if she is not that. So, in order to fix the data core River dies. After this, all 4022 people are no longer in the data core.

The camera shows all the people as they are out of the data core and we see River Song’s diary and sonic screwdriver on the staircase. The Doctor begins to wonder why he gives her his sonic screwdriver and with a short time realizes why. What he does is place her little life stat device inside the sonic screwdriver. So, he calls himself clever and runs and saves River Song to the data core of Cal. There River reunites with all the others who die during the episode.

In the end, the DOctor goes bakc to the TARDIS and opens the doors by the snap of his fingers. Just to show that he already can do what River makes mention of earlier in The Silence of the Library.

Over all I totally enjoy this two part story. At this time, the Vashta Nerada is a new monster which only the Doctor is aware. We get to know them very well along with his future companion or maybe spouse. Which I am not truly sure of at this time. Even after all that is available now I cannot say. What I do know at the time she first appears, there is much mystery surrounding her. There is still allot to be told of River Song even now. Yeah they reveal a little here and there, but the full extent of who she truly we still don’t know.

I wonder if they will ever do another story with the Vashta Nerada? They are an interesting foe and can be very scary. Remember stay out of the shadows!

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