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Fan’s View of the Selection of the Next Doctor for Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Fan’s View

A fan’s view is all this is and all it will be. Therefore, some may agree with it then others may not. So, here we go and this is how I truly feel about this next Doctor thing. As a fan of the show, I always like surprises. With that being said, I know first of all that a regeneration is coming. I know this because Peter Capaldi tells the world in an interview he will not return for season 11.

Now, this fan’s view on that is that I hate it. As I said above, I love surprises when it comes to Doctor Who or anything else. With Capaldi telling this news on the radio a little while back spoils the surprise. There is a side of me that seems to be okay with that, but the other side says I don’t like that. There are other whovians who really do not like that either I am sure. Where is the surprise when the actor or BBC makes the announcement public. There isn’t any at all.

This fan’s view is that changes come to Doctor Who or any television program it should be withheld so the change surprises all. That is the best way to things. I love surprises and believe there are others who do as well. I what is wrong with holding off and not letting the fans and viewers know about the change until there is a regeneration. You take all of the anticipation out when revealing one Doctor is leaving. Then a few months later revealing who is replacing him.

Another thing which is a hot topic now for the Doctor is whether they will change his gender or not. Of course this all comes because Steven Moffat changed the Master to Missy. There are two different views on this. Those who are innovative and want a change and then those who feel the Doctor has always been a man and should stay a man.

This fan’s view leans a little toward the less innovative. I prefer a male Doctor because he has always been a man. I mean 50 years of this program, and you want to change the gender. This is only a fan’s view. I will say that it would be cool to see the Doctor regenerate into a female, but I don’t know whether I would like that. Now if Chris Chibnall sees fit to do this, there is going to be some loss of viewers, but there also may be some gain out of curiosity.

Chris Chibnall said he is not going to do anything that may be a gimmick. I like that, because Doctor Who does not need gimmicks to be popular. The television show has not been around for 50 years because of gimmicks. To me Doctor Who is great not only the writers, producers, and the directors, but the actors and actresses as well. We must trust Chibnall makes the right choices for the program. And apparently the BBC trust him. Because they would not make him the showrunner is they don’t

The only thing we as fan’s can do is wait and see what happens. I hope the BBC doesn’t let the cat out of the bag on who is cast as the next Doctor. For now I am looking forward to watching season 10 and the Christmas special. But at this time we don’t really know if Capaldi will regenerate at the end of season 10 or at the end of the Christmas special.



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