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Extra Footage: Moffat Cut a Half an Hour of Footage, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Extra Footage

     Extra footage is something every television show and movie has. The production crew shoot scenes until they get it perfect. So, what Huw Fullerton tells us in this article should not be a surprise. What seems strange is the fact he gives an exact amount of footage. For me what it does is raise the question why would Fullerton tell his readers the amount of footage not used.
     The idea makes me begin to think where was the footage cut. The episode is 60 minutes long, but if allowed could have been 90 minutes. In some way, this does irritate me because this means we may have missed something. I can see some of the footage adding to the story and being very important, but then again maybe it would cause confusion. I don’t know and can only guess, but I did not want to know the exact amount of footage cut from the story.
     Does this new information make other Whovians irritated? I cannot answer that question. Some fans may not like the idea then others may say it was necessary. We are all different and think differently. As a result, we all will have a different view on the matter.
     To be honest, I hate that Twice Upon a Time was only 60 minutes. I think 90 minutes would have been better. I say that because there never seems to be enough time for any of the episodes. What I wonder is where was the extra footage cut. Which scenes and did make a difference. Was the footage worse than what we saw or was it better?
     I don’t know the reasons why Moffat cut the 30 minutes of footage, but apparently, he thought it was not necessary. I would love to see it on my television screen. But Fullerton does tell us the edited footage will be in the novelization of Twice Upon a Time.

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