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Excitement for Things to Know about Seasons Ten, Spoiler Alert Maybe, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


As I write this post, the excitement I feel is growing. I am so ready for season 10 and just can’t seem to wait. I am constantly looking for new information on the next full season of Doctor Who. Doctor Who is my favorite science fiction show of all time. I like others such as Star Trek and all of its different shows, but I never got hooked on it like I do Doctor Who. I have family who wonder why I love this show so much, and allot of the times I really cannot give an answer.

Because I found this article on a BBC blog, my excitement is growing. What I find in it lets me know that we are getting closer to the first airing of Season 10. It is great that on Christmas Day in England, the Christmas special will air. The name of that episode is The Return of Doctor Mysterio. There is too much time between the last story of Season 9 and the Christmas special. I am going through Doctor Who withdrawal. This withdrawal is something I do not like and had for the show when it was canceled in 1989.

This article Does not give too much in the way of spoilers, I suppose. The basic premises is to the reader information about one of the writers for season 10. They do give some news about the filming of five of the episodes and where they are being shot. Which for American viewers really does not mean much. Hey, I really don’t know where Cardiff is. I know I have heard about it on Doctor Who. Americans who do not know England will not know about places in England.

The article basically tells about two writers who has wrote other shows for Doctor Who. There is some excitement I have when hearing about the writer. His name is Jamie Mathieson. When they mention the episodes I begin to gain excitement for the new season. Mathieson is the writer of Flatline (2014), Orient Express (2014), and The Girl Who Died (2015).(1)

If I was a screen writer, personally I would be very excited. Of course, I am also a big Doctor Who fan, so this will be a dream job for me. I am not a screen writer so I will never get that chance. But Mathieson has and his excitement is overflowing.(2) I can see why. The fact he is writing for the most iconic television of all time.

The article really does not give us any real spoilers for season 10, but does mention that Mathieson is writing for Bill and Nardole. They also dive the guest stars for his episode as well. They include Kieran Bew, Justin Salinger, Peter Caulfield, Mimi Ndiweni and Karen Brayben.(3) The article does give a brief idea of what kind of episode it is though. Mathieson describes the show he writes as scary. Apparently in a serious way scary. Then he describes it as behind the sofa scary.(4) I really do not mind Doctor Who being scary. These type of episodes take us back to the Weeping Angels. Now, those are scary, because of the way they made the shows. The article does tell us that Mathieson is the writer of Episode 5.

The next writer in the article is Rona Munro. She is not a very familiar writer for me. The article says that she wrote Survival. Well, I am not all that familiar with that show so as far as my opinion on I can’t give much. I don’t have much memory of Survival. I believe I have seen it, but just don’t remember it at the moment. Ok, now that looked at the picture from the article, I know why I do’t remember much of it. It is from the classic series with my least favorite Doctor, Sylvestry McCoy.

What I can say about it is the article gives some proof of the writers accomplishments after writing Survival. Munro did continue and became a very accomplished writer. So, with that information I look forward to seeing episode 9 of season 10.

Munro really describes her first time writing and how at that time it is a very sad time for the show. I understand where she is coming from. I remember watching those shows and really did not see the kind of production I was use to seeing,  I really do not know what happened but the whole show changed during the late eighties. What I do know is that I did not like it. Therefore, I think it is great that Steven Moffat is willing to give Munro a chance to write for Doctor Who again. I look forward to seeing episode 9 of season 10 to see if there is any difference from her first episode Survival.

To finish up the article gives the cast for Munro’s episode and a little extra info. The article states, “Joining the regular cast for Rona’s episode are Rebecca Benson, Daniel Kerr, Juwon Adedokun, Brian Vernel, Ben Hunter, Aaron Phagura, Sam Adewunmi and Billy Matthews. Once these episodes are in the can, the series reaches the mid-point of shooting, with Episodes 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 still to go before the cameras. The new series of Doctor Who – starring Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, Pearl Mackie as Bill and Matt Lucas as Nardole – will hit TV screens in spring 2017.”(5)


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