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Enough: Chris Chibnall Has Heard Enough, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Chris Chibnall has heard enough about not having Daleks or Cybermen in Season 11. In this post from Jodie Whittaker’s Facebook page, fans find out why he chose not to have them. Chibnall has every right to go in a different direction. He is the showrunner after all.

Yeah, yeah, some fans figure Chibnall will not do a good job, and they have already decided not to watch Season 11. Then there are those who don’t know much about him and have a completely different attitude. It sort of like those who like the idea of a female Doctor and the ones who don’t like the idea of a female Doctor.

Fans of Doctor Who, as well as other professions such as American college and pro football, can be fickle at times. Sometimes many of them are like someone with a head injury, who does not think before thinking about what they are going to say. They make a quick choice not realizing how it affects them or those around them. Okay, maybe that is a bad analogy, but this seems to be what fans are doing.

As the showrunner, Chibnall has the right to go in a different direction if he believes Doctor Who will benefit from it. The BBC wants to go in a different direction, so what do they do. They change everything. Now, fans have Chibnall and Whittaker as well a new and different show coming.

Chibnall feels Doctor Who is at the forefront of other programs on television, and with that in mind, it must move forward. So basically the feeling is if Doctor Who does not change, it will be left behind. Fans will wonder how will it be left behind?

Chibnall realizes it takes great actors as well as great stories to make Doctor Who work. Fans have the right to get the best of all aspects of Doctor Who. It is a good thing that the showrunner sees that aspect as being important. If anything, he does show his desire to bring the fans the best possible shows and actors. Fans should love that. Fans also wish for Doctor Who stay on the air. So, there will be a need to make changes.

Are the changes going to be good for Doctor Who? Fans won’t know until they see Season 11. So, now they wait for Oct 7th and the premiere of Season 11. Every Whovian is waiting to see if the changes are worth all hype.


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