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Doctor Who Talk Past and Present, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Past and Present

Of all the television shows I have ever watched, Doctor Who is the most iconic. The press as well as others tab it as such. For a show to air for the first time on November 23, 1963, and continue until 1989. That is an amazing run, but the fact that a fan wants to make the show so much he lobbies the BBC and gets what he wants. Because of Russell T Davies, Doctor Who returns for good to the television screen in 2005. Personally, I believe the fact that the BBC makes a television movie in 1996 really brings Davies to a decision to lobby the BBC. Now, this may not be a fact, but in my opinion it way have well been the case.

On the premise of Doctor Who being am iconic television show and having so much history and information, I really want to learn more about the show and tell others in my words what I think about the show. At the same time, I really appreciate other fans comments on what I right about the past and present Doctor Who. There are over fifty years of information to write about and I want to dig into this and learn as much as I can.


I. The Doctors and their Actors

Since the beginning of the show there have been twelve Doctors. Now this number can be debated though. While Capaldi is considered the 12th Doctor, there is little twist in the story during the 50th anniversary. We are introduced to the War Doctor who John Hurt plays. This really messes up the count and makes him the Ninth Doctor, which means Capaldi is the thirteenth Doctor. Okay, I know I have confused you now. This is apparent at the end of Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor. Clara has to beg the Time Lords to give the Doctor another set of lives for the Doctor continue living. Well, her wish is granted and the Doctor lives on.

I want to write about William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, Sylvestry McCoy, Paul McGAnn, Christopher Eccelston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and John Hurt. What they brought to the role of the Doctor. I also seem to remember there are two movies made in the 60s where Peter Cushing plays the Doctor as well. These are completely different from the television show.


II. The companions

The Doctor never travels without companionship. There are a number of companions and there are some I can’t name. I really don’t know how many there are but the first Doctor in the first three seasons has three. There are good for the show and it shows the Doctor has a heart or really two hearts. Whether you can tell whether he loves his crew, but deep down I believe he does.

The first three companions are Susan, Ian Chesterton, and Barbara Wright. Later ones are Jamie, Zowie, Liz Shaw, Jo, Sarah Jane, Leela, Tegan, Adric, Nyssa, Peri, Mel. These are just a few from the original series. Then when you move to the new series, there is Rose, Martha, Mickey, Donna, Amy, Rory, Clara, and now Bill. This is allot people and companions to write about.

III. Adventures

This is where the excitement exist. There are twenty-six years of original series serials, and no with ten seasons of the revived series. There will be plenty episodes and shows to write about. These serials and seasons have lots of action and adventures that have made it to the screen. There are so many planets and aliens species which have been wrote about during the last 50 years of the show.

IV Enemies

Past and present talk about Doctor Who will include the most well known enemies such as the Daleks and Cybermen, but there are others. The are some which I have not seen because of missing episodes and the fact that the older shows are not even shown on the television. The way the broadcasting of Doctor Who goes now is that mostly and I can probably say that only the new series is aired. I really hate this and wish the classic series was aired. It may not be aired but if I want I can buy it on DVD and watch it that way.

Past and present talk about Doctor Who is not good unless you mention the Master/Missy. This foe or maybe former friend has given the Doctor fits since the Third Doctor. This is one man I can find lots to write about.

V. News

The final thing about Doctor Who that will be good to write about is new. There are special things going on that whovians like to here about when it comes to Doctor Who. I am sure you want to know about new seasons, companion changes, and Doctor changes. There may even be news about the enemies through the seasons shows, but this may not happen because of spoilers.



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