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David Tennant; The Doctor Who Years, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Doctor Who Years

I will honest with you. Before I see David Tennant as the Doctor, I hadn’t seen him in any other show or movie. As I wrote earlier that this is David’s dream job. Therefore, I believe his reaction is wow. I am now going to play the one character I grew up dreaming about. As a result, David Tennant begins his Doctor Who Years of his career.

As most us know, Doctor Who returns to the BBC in 2005 and the man playing the Doctor at that time is Christopher Eccelston. Of course he plays the Doctor for only one year and Russell Davies must replace him. This is the opportunity that Tennant is looking. At the time the role comes open Tennant is playing in The Quartermass Experiment. (1) What it seems to me is that this is Davies finds David and offers him the role. NOw, don’t quote me on that one because what I have read is not clear about that.

I remember The Parting of Ways which Christopher Eccelston Doctor absorbs the energy of the eye of harmony from Rose. As a result, Christopher’s Doctor dies. As with other Doctors, he regenerates and David Tennant assumes the role of the Doctor. I remember watching  his first full episode of his Doctor Who years is The Christmas Invasion. As with all other regeneration episodes the Doctor needs time to heal and get back to health. At the end I can’t forget the words of the Doctor to the aliens trying to take over the Earth. The Doctor tells them “It is defended”.

For the next four years, Tennant will fill the role of the Doctor very well. Before Tennant becomes the Doctor Tom Baker is the most liked Doctor, but after Tennant becomes the Doctor there is a shift. In a poll, he is chosen as the favorite Doctor of viewers.(2) This to me is a great accomplishment for such a great thing in my eyes. I see this as something which can bring you great fandom.

I do know and understand that Tennant is Scottish so when I see him for the first time I do not know this and basically he sounds English. Before I research him I do not know he is Scottish, so I am somewhat surprised that Russel Davies wants his accent not to come into play.(3) I mean Peter Capaldi is Scottish as well and he speaks with his original accent. But it is okay Davies has he reasons for that. I really love it when Davies allows him to speak with he native accent. He does this in Tooth and Claw.(4)

David Tennant’s Doctor Who years are very memorable for Tennant, I am sure. This is his gream job and being able to play his favorite character is outstanding. For three full seasons and four special, Tennant plays the Doctor. I believe I heard someone say that he left because he did not want to be typecast as the Doctor or any other role he plays. As a result he announces he is stepping down in 2009.

This is a sad day for me and other Doctor Who fans. I know change is something that takes place with the show, but it still hurts because you have change and then you relearn the Doctor.



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