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Chemistry: Bradley Walsh and Jodie Whittaker Have It, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


When we hear the word chemistry, most people think about a relationship between two people who are in love. But see it is also something needed in other areas. In this article from Radio Times, the writer tells us they proved they had chemistry at the Bafta TV awards.

This is good news for Whovians. When we look back over the 53 years of Doctor Who, what we see is actors who work to together well and make a great team. Because of their ability to work together almost flawlessly is what makes the show work. If there isn’t something there, then the show does not work. Whovians expect great shows, and part of a great show is chemistry.

Okay, to make my point, all we have to do is look at the actors and actresses from the past. Now, we don’t only have to look at Doctor Who either. There are great shows which had long runs where the actors and actresses worked together well. After seeing the show, you can see their closeness and ability to gel and do great things together.

I think about, as far as Doctor Who goes, Tom Baker and Elizabeth Sladen. They were together for several seasons, and I loved the way they gelled. Everything just flowed, and you could see they were enjoying their jobs. It was a pleasure watching them play their parts. Then you see the same chemistry with Baker and Louise Jameson. These to gelled and gave Whovians great stories.

Someone might say, “Well that is not the only ones who gelled well, and you are right.” Peter Davison gelled well with Matthew Waterhouse, Janet Fielding, and Sarah Sutton. Davison and these three made a great combination, and I enjoyed seeing them together.

In recent years, I think about David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Then, of course, Matthew Smith and Karen Gillian. These seem to have gelled well and made great shows for us. Because Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman gelled, they brought us some good stories as well.

See, without the ability to gel and make a team Doctor Who is not any good. Let’s hope the article is right, and things go as planned. As a result, we will have a great Season 11.

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