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Capaldi May Not Be Leaving Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Personally, I hope Peter Capaldi does not leave the role at the end of season 10. Eversense the show began in 1963, Doctors and companions come and go. Sometimes sooner than I care for. There are cases when a Doctor leaves and I really do not get to know him. Therefore I wish they would stay a little longer in the role. While change is good sometimes, stability in the role is good also.

Capaldi, may not leave the show(1) is good news to me. I really like him even though at times is a bit mean, but that is the quirk he brings to the role. The It has already been announced that Steven Moffat is leaving. While he is gone already isn’t indication Capaldi is out the door either. Moffat in an interview with Doctor Who Magazine says, “I have no reason to suppose that I am writing out a Doctor.”(2) Most who fans may take it for granted when a showrunner leaves it means the star of that show leaves as well. That is not the case this time..

It is a breathe of fresh air to know there will not be a change in the lead role of the show. Something else that Moffat said in the interview is, “Peter is loving the role, and long may do so.”(3) Man it is a wonderful thing to hear. Changing the Doctor at times can become wearisome. I say this because, I never really got to know the Ninth Doctor before he chose to leave. Then I never wanted Colin Baker to leave, but he does because of circumstances beyond his control. Sometimes the show needs a change, but just one or two seasons, come on man.

My time watching the show is one which I look for great stories and characters. The Doctor is the centerpiece of the show and stability in the role is great. But there are times when you stay too long with something. Now, in no way I am saying Tom Baker stayed too long, but when you stay 7 years. There is chance of being typecast because of it. Typecasting is one reason David Tennant leaves the show.

AS for the time an actor plays the Doctor, for me five years would probably be optimum. Four or less is not enough and six or more may be too many. This is only my opinion. I was suppose if the actor’s Doctor is successful and the fans still love him. He can stay as long as he wishes.

Capaldi’s Doctor is different from all the rest as he should be. It also great to hear he wants to stay at least one more season. My hope though is that he stays at least for seasons 11 and 12!

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