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Canceled: Does Doctor Who Need To Go, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


According to this article from RadioTimes, the BBC isn’t pleased with the present state of Doctor Who. Will Doctor Who be canceled? Is cancellation going to happen? Fans want a continuation of Doctor Who, but what needs to happen to keep it.

There are things to change. The writer suggests something that will help. He believes the show needs a regeneration. That is ironic but true. During Davies’s era, the Doctor becomes more human by redefining the Doctor’s role. It is good to see the Doctor love, be angry, emotional, and lose. He did change the role. Fans see the Doctor in a new light and as they never did before. The BBC wants to move the Doctor in a new direction and believing Chibnall would do that. The writer believes Chibnall made steps back rather than forward.

When you write science fiction, there is a need for imagination. A writer needs to grab an audience’s attention. There are two writers mentioned in the piece. The author believes they should remain with Doctor Who. What is sad is there are only two of Chibnall’s choices standing out. This is the opinion of this author. Fans may see it differently.

Fans are seeking shows that grab them by the throat and take them on a wild ride. Have many of Chibnall’s shows are like this? Things are different now. Fans seek more than what some classic stories bring. For viewership to grow, Doctor Who needs a regeneration. Davies brought it forward with his revival of Doctor Who, and maybe Chibnall has caused a regression. Are fans as excited now as when Davies and Moffat ran Doctor Who? Well, Moffat’s era is complicated at times, so maybe fans like Davies better. Just an opinion, and you may have a different one.

Can the BBC regenerate Doctor Who? Of course, they can. But where do you make changes? The first place is at showrunner. Well, that is happening because Chibnall is moving on along with Jodie. The next is to hire a great showrunner. Okay, not sure how you judge that, but the executives at the BBC will know. Or the hope is they know who is the best choice. In the beginning with Chibnall, certain fans didn’t like the choice. Some fans’ dislike of Chibnall was more than that for Jodie as the Doctor.

Fans want to see a regeneration of Doctor Who, other than for it to be canceled. The BBC needs to revive Doctor Who with an influx of new blood. There needs to be a change. If the BBC makes the changes, it means Doctor Who continues. That is the best scenario for everyone. Fans see Doctor Who, actors work, and the BBC gets a new Doctor Who. It works perfectly. Does it happen? Only time will tell. Fans need to wait and see.


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