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Why RTD Will Not Write Another Episode, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Fans of RTD may have dreams of him writing for Doctor Who again, but in this article, he reveals the reason why we won’t see another episode from him. Doctor Who fans are grateful for his persistence. He never quit lobbying the BBC until he received the go-ahead to bring Doctor Who back. So, I can see why fans who love his work would hope he will return to script writing for the show.

Yes, it will be awesome to have another script from RTD, and I know it would be good if not great. But sometimes if not most of the time change is good. Things happen and people change which means their feelings change. This does not mean that person does not like something anymore. RTD will always be a fan of Doctor Who, but as he said the future is golden.(1) His time with the show has come and gone. From what I gather, he will be novelizing episodes just not writing any new script.

You know what I can handle that. As long as, the present showrunner and his set of writers do a good job, I am all in. Doctor Who does not necessarily need RTD to carry on. The show will be 55 years old on the 23rd of November this year. It has remained fresh and new because of change. RTD was great for Doctor Who and the show was very successful while he was the showrunner. But he cannot picture himself doing that again.

I can see where he is coming from. Sometimes you just want to get away and stay away. He will always be a part of the Whoniverse. So, yeah I can see why he doesn’t want to write another script. To me, it seems as if he wants to give other talented writers a chance to do the job. Hey, that works for me. Just keep the great Doctor Who episodes coming. As long as things are going good RTD won’t be needed.

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