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For Those Who are Curious, We Have a Ideas for What’s Coming in Season 10, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

What’s coming? I have a subscription to the Doctor Who channel on YouTube and they recently posted a new video. You can see the video above and take your own opinion of what Steven Moffat is doing. I mean from many of the trailers and videos they post. The year is going to be different.

What I am supposing and Capaldi says because Pearl Mackie is new Doctor Who. Moffat writes this season for the newbie. Therefore, from this latest video we find that Moffat takes us back to beginning. As a result, this season will be different.

I remember watching some of the older shows, but to tell you the truth the special effects are really bad. But it is Doctor Who and it is not suppose to be about the special effects. But this season is according to Mofffat taking us back to the beginning. My hope is that it is as exciting as the commentary of the producer and actors say. From what I have seen with the trailers, it is going to be a great season.

This season will have new monsters and then some old ones as well. The return of the Mondasian Cybermen does raise some questions in my mind. It also does that for many other Whovians who write about the show. As one write points out, the First Doctor’s regeneration is caused by the Cybermen, and in particular the Mondasian Cybermen. What is the meaning of that. Well, I guess that is a mystery until the final episodes are on the television.

Another exciting thing coming is emoji robots, Daleks, and two incarnations of the Master in on story. Wow, there is allot coming and mus prepare for it. The amazing thing is Moffat and Capaldi are leaving. Therefore, Moffat wants to go out with a bang. There is a mystery because I have read that Capaldi will do the Christmas Special and regenerate at the end, but some writers feel that the regeneration will come in the last story. Well, I do not know, but the great thing is we have less than a week til the first story airs. It is called The Pilot. Can’t wait until Saturday to see what it’s about.

What’s coming has raised my curiosity. What’s coming is something the same and different at the same time. Can’t wait until this all begins.

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