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The Weeping Angels mini game by BBC Taster, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Weeping Angels

Are you afraid of Weeping Angels? Do the Weeping Angels creep you out? Well, recently there is the release of a game which has these creatures in it. I can say that it is a Halloween treat and so does the article I found.(1)  I do not know about other Doctor Who fans but this maybe a cool game.

From what I can remember the idea which surrounds the Weeping Angels is don’t blink. This of course means do not close your eyes for a second or the angels will get you. Now, that is scary and these stone creatures can kill you in the blink of an eye. Of course this is not real because it is fiction, but the idea is great for television. These weeping angels are dangerous and you must not close your eyes. As long as you are watching them they freeze, but if you turn your head or close your eyes they come alive and move toward you.

Well, around Halloween BBC Taster releases an experimental game to see whether your webcam can successfully detect eye movements and be used as a game controller.(2) Since the idea is to check these out, the Weeping Angels are the best fit. I certainly things so, because of the speed of their movement and the fact that if you don’t watch them constantly you’re dead. The company is also interested in finding out if Doctor Who fans will be interested in other mini games.(3)

Now, whether it is a fun game or not I really can’t say, but I can bet it will not be for fraidy cats. There may be blood and startling movements. You may jump in the air because the Weeping Angel jumps you from out of no where.

The writer says in describing the game, “You’re alone in the attic of your house and the Weeping Angels are coming for you. The aim is to survive until the Doctor can send the TARDIS to save you. To help, he’s rigged up your webcam to CCTV around the house so you can watch the Angels. They can only move when you’re not looking at them so, whatever you do, don’t blink! Your webcam should detect when you blink or look away.”(4)

Are you ready? The writer is. They want to know what we all think about the game. I really don’t know whether my webcam detects eye movement or not. Whether I blink or not to where the angels won’t approach me, or at least I am going to try and not blink. I am going to try and win by not blinking.

Have a play and, if you like it, rate it and challenge your friends to try it too.

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Play ‘Doctor Who Don’t Blink’ now on BBC Taster! (5)

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