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Wardrobe: What Will the Thirteenth Doctor Wear?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


The wardrobe of the Doctor is always one of the things which we know the Doctor. Each one has their own personality and therefore a different type of clothing. I remember I believe the Fourth and Fifth Doctors being in the wardrobe of the TARDIS. If I remember correctly, there are many different types of clothing from many different eras. The Doctor may not always be the most fashionable, but he has his choice of clothing.

The wardrobe on the thirteenth Doctor is a mystery for now. Whittaker does not even know what she will wear, but for some reason I don’t completely believe that one. I know her first full show is not being shot so maybe she does not know. This all really speculation and I hope whatever they choose is something all fans will like. There are so many different combinations and the choice coule be great, good, alright, bad or even downright awful. SO, I hope that whatever they chose is great.

In the past, there are some which I like and and others the choice could be better. The worst I feel is Colin Baker. His from what I understand was not his choice, His desire was something much different. His clothing and other things were out of his control did not allow him to stay very long as the Doctor. So, I hope whatever they do with WHittaker’s wardrobe it is something we all like.

I don’t think the trailer revealing Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor gives us any idea on what her clothing will be. What we mostly see is a hooded figure and she removes the hood as they reveal her as the next Doctor. That video is basically just to reveal the Thirteenth Doctor, so there really will not be any thing about the wardrobe.

Well I guess all we can do is just wait until the first full show of Whittaker and hope they let her go into the wardrobe room of the TARDIS. Then watch her as she looks through the massive amount of clothes the Doctor has.


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