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Victorious: Fans See The Creation of the Valeyard, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Those Whovians who remember the last fourteen episodes of Colin Baker can’t forget the Valeyard. The Doctor’s alter ego and his worse nightmare. Well, according to this article from ScreenRant, his greatest nemesis is from the future. Well, when you watch the series, the master tells us the Timelords use the matrix to create the Valeyard. Victorious points to the time frame being around the Doctor’s twelfth regeneration. Is what Victorious points out the truth?
The way the Time Lords create the Valeyard is wrong in every way. It shows a total disregard for their laws of time, or at least it seems that way. Did the TimeLords dislike the Doctor that much? Or was it just one Time Lord who wished to destroy the Doctor.
Did the Master Lie? Well, according to Steven Moffat, he did. Or at least, he tosses lines around suggesting, they are lies. Are they lies? Well, the writer of the article does necessarily see that as the case. As you think about all that happens in David Tennant’s era, the Valeyard can be from Tennant’s era. The points about fans seeing the Doctor’s dark side are relevant. There are differences in the Doctor, which the Time Lords could use to create the Valeyard. That is if the theory is correct. It does make sense when you look at the way the writer sees it.
Tennant’s Doctor seems to struggle more with the idea of dying more than any of the other Doctors. So, if this is the case, why not use the energy from his regeneration to create an alter ego. Whether you realize it or not, he does have quite an ego. Of course, you could tie the Timeless child to this as well. Or maybe not, this is just a thought. If the Doctor is the being which all Time Lords derive, that changes everything.
Maybe the Valeyard is part of the Tenth Doctor, but are we for sure about that? There needs to be more information and research. The concept is interesting. Is this actually what takes place or not?
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