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Valeyard: Mystery to be Explored, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


In the late 1980s, John Nathan Turner brings a character to Doctor Who called the Valeyard. Those who watched The Trial of a Time Lord knows who he is. In this article, the writer talks about the history of the Valeyard. He gives the reader an idea of his character, as seen from The Trial of a Time Lord. Fans who saw the last episodes of Colin Baker find out he is a ruthless person, only desiring to gain the Doctor’s remaining regenerations.

Most fans do ask the question, why haven’t we seen him since the Trail of a Timelord. He is the Doctor’s ultimate foe and equal in every way. Considering he is an amalgamation of the evil side of the Doctor, there is a possibility of great fights. It makes fans wonder how does he attack the Doctor and how the Doctor responds? In the end, the Doctor walks away victorious, thinking he is dead. Well, everyone knows that is not the case. The closing shot shows the Valeyard takes the place of the keeper of the matrix.

There are many questions concerning the Valeyard. The television part of the production of Doctor Who has not touched him since the final episode. Big Finish has audiobooks, and books are available. So, why hasn’t new Who ventured into the character? Yes, he is a mystery, and some fans wish for his return. He is a character fans want to see again. Being the ultimate foe, he is the Doctor’s worst enemy.

Is he an offshoot of the Doctor’s evil thought. Could he be a full-blown evil regeneration? Therein lies the mystery. There is an exploration of the Valeyard needed. Where does he appear in the timeline of the Doctor? After Chibnall brought the Timeless Child retcon forward, it seems the Doctor’s twelfth happens earlier.

So, does he become a foe in New Who, or does he remain in books and on audio? Some fans will love to see him on their television, but may not. Chibnall and others may see him as too much like Master. Whether it is for this reason or not, he will long be an unused villain. Therefore, fans will continue to wait for his return to TV screens.




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