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United States: Will Chibnall cast an American, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

American Doctor

The news from Fanside is that Whoopi Goldberg wants to be the 14th Doctor. At least, that is the news from this article. From a fan standpoint, one has to look at all aspects of the role. Do fans want an American playing this iconic character? Not all fans will agree with a change from British to American. Some fans may be open to a change, but some of Doctor Who’s fans are not up for an actor from the United States.

Okay, so why such a fuss? Who wants to see someone from the United States as the Doctor? Would an American as the Doctor work well for Doctor Who? Yes, there are many questions to ask. Hardcore fans will not want such a change. They may see it as treason. For an American to play the Doctor, seems a little strange. Fans who began watching during the 60s, 70, and 80s won’t see this the same way newer fans do.

Some of you may see there isn’t anything wrong with a nationality change. The argument could be something like this. There was a gender change, so why not in nationality? They will make the point an American played the Master. That is Eric Roberts as the Master in Doctor Who the Movie. But is this a good enough reason to cast an American as the Doctor? The Master is iconic, but he is not the Doctor. Yes, Some fans will love to see an American reprise the role, but how will that work? Is there enough support for such a change?

The biggest opponent could be the BBC. Chris Chibnall has shown a willingness to change, but will he cast an American as the Doctor. Who knows? The change will be controversial, and does Chibnall have the guts to do it? Something else to consider does having an American work? Let’s say Chibnall goes this route. Who does he cast? Does he cast Whoopi Goldberg, or is there someone else more suitable? As a result, Chibnall will have a tough job if he chooses to go this route. What will fans see as the right choice? Wow, so much to consider. There are other questions fans will and can ask. Will Chibnall or another showrunner cast an actor from the United States as the Doctor? Only time will tell.


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