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Too Long a Wait: To Some it is Nonsense, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Too Long a Wait

Most if not all Whovians truly hate the wait between the New Years Special and the first episode of season 12. So, let’s ask a question. Is there too long a wait between the end of Season 11 and the beginning of Season 12? Of course, Whovians will answer yes, and then speak their mind about the way the BBC is handling all this.

Well, things have changed considerably since the show’s heyday in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Every week Doctor Who fans would watch their favorite sci-fi program on its set day. Whether it was Saturday or Friday or any other day, they knew it would be on the telly. So, for them, there wasn’t a wait for new episodes except during the downtime.

So, the United States does not get to air Doctor Who until sometime in the 70s or 80s. Not quite sure of the actual time on that. So, there wasn’t that much of a fuss, right. For Americans, they must tune into their local public broadcasting station to watch. For many, they start watching it when they are nine or ten years old. They begin to watch, and it becomes a daily routine. That is only because of the stations airing each episode after school, or at least that is the way it began on Louisiana Public Broadcasting.

Believe you me, when the American viewers saw Ace and the Doctor walk off into the night, there were some mad fans. Okay, maybe not all were mad, but they were hurt. For fans in the UK, they have better access to the stories, whereas, in America, it was like the death of Doctor Who.

Of course, the wait between Season 11 and Season 12 is not as long as the wait from the last episode of the classic series and Doctor Who the movie. At the same time, the wait for the new series was even longer. So one might wonder why such a fuss over an extra few months. Well, of all the fans in the world of television shows Doctor Who fans are the greatest. Then at the same time, they can be some of the most critical. Their love for the show is unmatched.

Having said all of that, let us say this. The wait may not be as long as that. There is news there will be a midstream episode. Okay, where did you hear this one may wonder? Well, in this article from Radio Times, fans are told about maybe a Christmas Special or other kind of special. Which is good news, and gives the fans something to look forward to seeing by the end of 2019. The news eases the blow of not having Doctor Who in 2019 a little.




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