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The Toning Down of the Sixth Doctor’s Coat, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Toning Down

To a Doctor Who fan the multi-color of Colin Baker’s doctor, is the trademark of the Sixth Doctor. Then toning down might be something some fans will not appreciate. But there are those out there that may be wanting the coat to be a different color or even scheme.

The first time I see the coat I think that it is okay and that it would be breathe of fresh air to the show. Well, because of what is going on when Colin takes the role, he is only the Doctor for a total of two years. WHich I find to be wrong because I think he was a great Doctor. I love the he portrays the Doctor. But now all these years later I can see where in that coat he can’t be taken too serious. When looking at the coat, what I say is man why dd you pick that coat. It screams that you are a goof ball, and I know that the Doctor is not one and neither is Colin.

The Sixth Doctor like the coat and thinks it is fashionable. Peri on the other hand believes it to be awful and makes that known to the Doctor. That coat could use a toning down. The writer of the article I read about this admits that the coat takes away from what is going on in the scenes of the stories. Basically saying people pay attention the coat more than the action(1)

Colin’s Doctor seems a little egotistical and I am supposing the coat is to reflect that demeanor in his Doctor. So, to the showrunner toning down the coat is out of the question. Well, dude think about your audience and what they would like to see. Then besides egotistical it may make some new viewers or even older fans think that he is crazy, Now, I know that the Doctor is not crazy but dude if I see that coat the first time I watch the show. My thoughts may be dude he is out there. Well, ok it is the Doctor and there are times when he is out there a ways.

From what I gather from the article though is that Colin did not want to wear the coat.(2) And if that is the case I feel sorry for him. Colin is very good actor and deserves much better than what they give him. I believe to some extent that what happens with Colin and then the carry over into the Seventh Doctor cause the cancellation of the show.

Colin and fans at the time would have rather had a coat with far less color. The article says that Colin desires the same outfit that the Ninth Doctor is given. He wants black jeans and leather jacket.(3) His request is not heeded. Therefore, we have the ugly multi-colored coat with a cat on lapel.

What I truly think about the coat s that they could have chose a better set of clothes. I really do not believe they do Colin justice. I mean he is the doctor for only two serials. As a result, I personally do not think he had enough of a chance to be the Doctor. They way things went when he is the Doctor is absolutely wrong. All the things I read about Colin tells me he is a great actor and deserves better.

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