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Three Contenders Are Who the Bookies Are Making the Best Odds to be the Next Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Three Contenders

Three contenders have emerged from many different actors ad actresses. The bookies are making odds as I write this and they are changing everyday. Some of the names they are making the odds for are unknown to me. I am not really all that familiar with any of them.

This is rather strange to me, because I just did not see people placing bets on the next Doctor. I know that people bet on horse races, dog races, and other sporting events, but never thought people would be betting on this.

The three contenders who seem to be out in front are Kris Marshall, Tilda Swinton, and Olivia Colman.(1)  The bookie who is taking this money on who will be the next Doctor is William Hill. According to him, these three are the ones receiving the most money. Of course, this does not mean there are not others in the running. As with all races the odds change as the bets come in. So, this can change at any time.

It really amazes me that even Doctor Who is part of the betting industry. This shows how popular the program is. One firm is not taking bets on Kris Marshall any more.(2) The betting houses probably even have short lists. They all have their favorites as do those placing the bets.

What I wonder, but feel that it does not have any affect on him. Is Chris Chibnall getting caught up in this. I certainly hope he does not let this affect his choice, but I feel that it will not from what I have read. I can tell he is not wanting to do anything gimmicky. This could cause some problems with in the show. I want a actor who is right for the role and will make it his. I really love David Tennant and Tom Baker. If the next Doctor is anything like those two the program will have high ratings.

The naming of the three contenders to me seems to take away from the whole progress. The BBC and the actor to me needs to with hold this information. The world dd not need to know Peter Capaldi is leaving the show. Just let season 10 air and everyone get a surprise at the end of the Christmas special. That way do not have all this speculation and betting on who is next.

It could well be one of the three contenders I mention, but maybe it won’t. Who knows what Chris Chibnall is going to do? I most certainly don’t so why are all these other people. Because people want to know things right now, we get all this information.

I understand that Doctor Who is one of the greatest television shows of all time, but this is not what I want to see. Therefore, please wait before giving out information. I realize the BBC wants better ratings and more viewers, but is this way to do it. I am not an employee for them so I suppose this is their way to get there. But, I believe it is also the media. If you want to see who Radio TImes has the best choices for the next Doctor click here.

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