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David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tenth Doctor

The Tenth Doctor is from my perspective a long way from the First Doctor. When I say that, it is not just in the number of years between the time the show starts until the time the Tenth DOctor enters the picture. If you are fan of Doctor Who, you know that actors and actresses come and go. So, it not any surprise to see a new face from time to time. In 2005, Russell Davies is given the okay to bring back this iconic television show. At that time Christopher Eccleston is cast as the Doctor. At that time he is the Ninth Doctor in a long line of Doctors. Well, after just one year, he decides to leave the show. Therefore, a regeneration takes place. With the regeneration of Eccleston, comes the entry of David Tennant on the scene as the Tenth Doctor.

Tennant stays as the Doctor for four years. During his time as the Doctor the showrunner produces three full seasons and nine special episodes.(1) Doctor Who at this time has spinoffs, and of course its not a Doctor Who spinoff without the faithful Doctor making appearances on the spinoff, like Torchwood. From watching Tennant as the Doctor, I find him rather laid back at times. He is able to draw people in and they really like him. His personality as usual with the Doctor is much different from the Doctor before him. His companions and others around him take to him and just like him and follow him. He has a charismatic personality along with being a charmer. But as I notice in the regeneration episode he has a temper and when provoked, you see it.(2)

The Tenth Doctor inherits Rose as his first companion. And man this turns into something much more than the Doctor may want. Rose falls deeply in love with the Doctor. After Rose stays in the parallel universe, Marta Jones comes aboard the Doctor’s TARDIS crew. Martha is a medical student and travels with the Doctor for on seasons, but seems like much longer with the way the show plays out.

Donna Noble is the final companion of the Tenth Doctor. She to me is the most interesting. She is fiery and very opinionated. The use of the Doctor’s hand from the regeneration episode is engenius. What they do is create a metacrisis and through that we see DoctorDonna. The writers use this as a means to remove Donna from the show. Because of the crisis the Doctor must wipe Donna’s memory. The Doctor knows his memory and the things about him will make Donna’s mind burn up and kill her. Donna leaves the show and the Tenth Doctor travels alone for the rest of his life.

There are some other interesting points to make though. Tennant returns to Doctor Who in 2013. Steven Moffat shoots the the 50th Anniversary Special, and Tennant is present. Well, what comes from this and I tought it strange. I recall in Journey’s End that the Tenth Doctor aborts his regeneration. Therefore, Moffat uses this abortion to bring to light the War Doctor. With this information, the Tenth Doctor becomes the Twelfth Doctor. With this, the regeneration of Tennant means Matt Smith is the last face we should see as the Doctor. But of course that is not the case.

David Tennant at one time is voted the most liked Doctor, and I can see why. He is charming, charismatic, and very likable just don’t cross him.  I like him a great deal, but I cannot say he is my favorite.


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