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The Death of the Twelfth Doctor is Coming During This Years Christmas Special, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


The death of the main character in Doctor Who is something which I can never get use to. Because it seems every time I get use to a Doctor, he choses to leave. I never really find out what he is all about. Therefore, I wish the actors would stay longer.

I don’t want to speculate as to why these guys leave. They are all great actors and I love to watch them. Many if not all but one only stay for three maybe four seasons and that is all. I know David Tennant said he left because he did not want to get type cast. I suppose that is a good reason, but why do you leave when you are having success.

Now, I like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, but I also in some way see why he wants to leave. As a result of the way that the stories in season 8 and 9 revolve around Clara, I might be alittle mad. It seems in those episodes, everything is about her. I watch those and see the beginning and it shows her on earth and her life. It is like the Doctor is an afterthought. I wonder if that is something which has hurt the ratings.

I know the ratings for the show have not been as good with Capaldi as with Tennant and Matt Smith. Then I maybe they were slipping away in Matt’s last year because they began to make the shows around the impossible girl, Clara Oswald. I have not seen the ratings, therefore, I can’t say that is why Smith leaves.  That is only speculation on my part. I did not see anything about why Smith leaves Doctor Who.

Of course, Capaldi sees that he has done all he can with Doctor Who and wants to do something new. That is always a reason to leave. I do not fault the man for wanting to do new things. As a result of the BBC wanting to do an overhaul of the show may a reason for Capaldi leaving. The BBC wants someone more like Tennant’s Doctor in hopes of raising the ratings of the show.

I have read some of the comments from other whovians on the Facebook post and some of them think that Capaldi was not used and wrote for very well. That Moffat did a bad job with him. I really need to watch this stories more and see if that is the case. After watching them the first time, I did not even think like that. I like what I saw and did not judge nor was I critical of Moffat’s work.

Reading the history of Doctor Who, there are a number of reasons for the actors playing the Doctor to leave. Death came to each actor’s Doctor and a new face comes on the scene. Some of them I love and some I did not love at all. I hope that the new showrunner Chris Chibnall picks a good replacement.

Death of the Doctor comes way to often. Therefore, for once why can’t someone remain in the role for more than three seasons. Tom Baker is the only one to stay for more than four seasons and possibly stays longer if not for some changes taking place in 1980 and ’81.

So, now the speculation begins as to who the new Doctor will be. As a result of this, at the end of this years Christmas Special the Doctor dies and regenerates.


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