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The Best Doctor of the Last Fifty Years, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Doctor Who Talk Past and Present

Best Doctor

Ok, I realize this post is a little different from any of the others. But I do want you to know, articles are present about this subject. Of course, this is only on fan’s opinion. So, take it for what it is. I mention on my original post about the show that I have been a fan since I was nine years old.

Since it has been so many years and I personally watched every Doctor, I really want to give my opinion on who my favorite and the best in my eyes. Now there is some real thinking being put into this because I am rather biases when it comes to the Doctors I prefer. After reading one such article, I really don’t agree with them on their position. This is why I want to do my own list. Those who read this may very well have their order much different. So, I so encourage you to make your own. Then put your own reasons for the way you list them.

I am rather old school when it comes to Doctor Who, but old, old school. I really like to watch the old shows because I have not seen most of them, but they are not my favorite Doctors. For me as a fan, I have to begin with where I see the show for the first time. There many out there who believe that this guy is the best of all time, but others not so much.

First on my list is Tom Baker, and some of the reason for this is that he did play the Doctor the longest. Now, that is not the only reason though. Personally I find him very interesting. He seems to always be a little different. He smiles allot and then trouble seems to always catch him off guard. Him and his catchphrases are great. I truly love do you want a jelly baby. He at times seems a little crazy, which lends to watching him more. I really like the way he can be serious but then be comical as well. He for me is the best.

Second on my list is Colin Baker, and this may just be me. He to me did not really get a great chance at doing his best well in the role. His time as the Doctor is shortened because of production issues and the direction the producer wanted to go. I even had the thought of making him the best, but I really cannot say this because I did not see enough of his work.He really brought a new and different personality to the role. He was very push and arrogant as the Doctor. I really do not know what Peri thought about it but her reaction s tell all.

Third I would say has to be David Tennant. Yeah, he is from the revived series but I do like him. he is very charismatic and is allot the reason many people returned to Doctor Who and many new people start watching Doctor Who. I think his is great as the Doctor. He tends to always say the right things and is a ladies man. Rose, Donna, and Martha seem to have feelings for him. He is always trying to be the hero. He can be a little comical but for the most part he is serious.

Fourth on the list is Peter Davidson. Now, I know this may seem a little strange, but I put him here because I love his seriousness. He never tries to be funny but he is a little vulnerable at times. His feelings show more than others. You can tell that he loves his companions in so many ways. He can at times be a little boring, but I still like him.

Fifth for me is Jon Pertwee. Now, I am able to watch most of his serials in the late eighties. I really like him in that he seems to be serious and always on his toes. His helping unit is awesome and being a little eccentric helped him much. He was a man of action and would fight anyone who tried to hurt him or his friends.

Sixth best I am going to say Patrick Troughton. Now this opinion is only being able to watch two or three serials. I do like his hoboish tendencies. I also like the way he really at time lulls the enemy into thinking he does not know what is going on,but I may wrong but that is what I see.

Seventh best I have to say is Matt Smith. Bow ties are cool could have been Troughton’s thing, but was not. Matt’s gung ho attitude made a difference for the show. I like that about his Doctor and then his young age help him pull that off.

Eighth best is William Hartnell. He is a very serious and cantankerous Doctor who really cares for his companions. He always tries to use tactics to change the outcome of the situation and does try to trick who ever is with him into doing what he wants. The thing is though I love his brash style and he does make it work.

Ninth on my list is Peter Capaldi. What I like about Capaldi is that he is a rocker. he is mean and that comes through when he works with Clara. He has a different way of doing thinks but it is good.

Tenth best for me is Christopher Eccelston. Now, I a little short on this. he only has one year as the Doctor so the ideas I have of him are not complete. I watch him and tend to want and stop watching to find something else. He is the first one back on the screen I really did not think he did the best job, but he is better that Sylvester McCoy.

Eleventh best to me is Sylvester McCoy. Now, his time as the Doctor could have been a casualty of the situation. I really did not like him. They seem to make him out to be too childish at times. That it had an air of slap stick comedy. Those to things did not do very well with me.

Twelfth for me is Paul McGann. Now, he only here because Personally have not seen the movie he is in. So, please forgive me for this if you do not like it. I have got much to say about him because I have not watched the movie.

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