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Season 1: Serial 6 The Aztecs, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The Aztecs

The Aztecs as a serial for Doctor Who is meant as a history lesson for children. The producers and creators want to teach the children of 1963 about different historical aspects of the world. This is the second episode to do this with the first being Marco Polo. I believe the producers and writers follow the early ideas of being a children’s show very well. I believe our children need to know about certain historical events and people and this show along with Marco Polo fit that genre.

As a history lesson, we all need to know that the Aztec empire is located in Mexico during the 15th century. What takes place is that the TARDIS materializes in a tomb during the Aztec Empire in Mexico. Man what a great place to go, but as always the Doctor finds trouble. There are some things which take place which throws everything off. Then the Doctor has to work out everything and make things right again.

The twist in this story is that Barbara gets mistaken as the female reincarnation of the ancient high priest Yetaxa.(1) When it comes to twist that is a big one. What happens when something like this happens that person gains power with in whatever people it happens. Well, guess what, Barbara gains power and influence within the Aztecs. Barbara in some way gets a little power hungry. What she believes she can do is to stop the Aztecs from practicing human sacrifices. Now, Susan does not know much about time rules. With what she is trying to is not good for time. Because this the Doctor warns her not to try this. He know he implications but the plea falls on deaf ears. Barbara’s not heeding the Doctor’s warning makes him furious

To my surprise Barbara is able to fool the Aztecs, but that will not last long. The high priest of human sacrifice, Tlotoxl, is a very suspicious and mean man. Barbara gives away that she not the reincarnation of Yetaxa because she tries to eliminate human sacrifices. Now, I understand Barbara’s view point. I do not think human sacrifice is right, but the Aztecs practice it and changing it will not be good. Then her actions tell that she is not what they think she is.

The way this show plays out teaches about the Aztec culture to begin, but then also teaches the children what is right and wrong. This history lesson is great and kids as well as adults can learn a little bit about the Aztecs. The Aztec culture is one which there is much to learn. The way Doctor Who goes about making the serial does teach a history lesson. But also teaches right and wrong. Then adds entertainment by adding science fiction. I mean who will ever make a time machine to travel to ancient civilizations. Then add changing the events which happen there.

The TARDIS crew does get deeply involved. Ian needs to fight and then Tlotoxl tries to kill Barbara and prove she is not the high priest reincarnated.(2)  This is a habit of the Doctor. He cannot land anywhere and not find trouble and then correct the trouble. The story is a great one and some how the Doctor and the TARDIS crew get out alive. The Doctor always finds a way to to squeeze out of trouble. The native people of wherever he goes can never out think him. He always escapes.

In all the commotion, the efforts of Barbara fall short, Ian Kills Ixta in a fight in order to protect the TARDIS crew.(3) After this battle to the death the crew returns to the TARDIS knowing that history will not be any different The lessons to learn in this episode go beyond a history lesson. It is worth watching.



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