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What Steven Moffat is Doing This TIme: Old School Villains and Season 10, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Steven Moffat

Well, how about this turn of events? Steven Moffat is leaving Doctor Who, which everyone knows by now. Everyone now knows that Peter Capaldi is leaving as well. Therefore, I am thinking that Steven Moffat wants to go out with a bang.

I read yesterday about the return of the Mondasian Cybermen and I believe another old school villain will return this year. From everything I can gain from articles the Ice Warriors will return this year as well. This to me can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Good in that they are familiar foes and bad in that I hope Moffat does not mess it up.

I say this because of the way he allows the last few season to revolve around the companion. Which may be something which hurt the program, but I actually do not know that. But these old school villains are something which whovians of the classic series love.

The Cybermen have been a mainstay of Doctor Who since bing introduced in 1966 in “The Tenth Planet”. The Ice Warriors on the other appear only nine times compared to twenty-three times for the Cybermen. Now, I love the Cyberman and all they do with them. They have really brought their suit design forward. The are really cool, but this season Steven Moffat is returning us to the Tenth Planet Cybermen. This is going to be cool, because most of “The Tenth Planet” is not available to be viewed.

I don’t know if the serial with the Ice Warriors in it is available for viewing or not. I did not check to to see, but aliens from Mars. This humanoid reptiles are a villain which the Second Doctor faces for the first time in season 5.   The Ice Warriors for some reason did not become as popular as the Cyberman.

What I am wondering is why Steven Moffat returns old school villains. I know that Cybermen are interesting and also help with ratings. But bring the Ice Warriors back. According to Wikia, they appear in Face the Raven.(1) Now, I have only watched that episode one time and do not remember them being on it, but with everything revolving around Clara I may have missed it.

Moffat seems to me like he wants to go out with a bang. He really want to leave a good impression on viewers. The years he is the showrunner are good for some and not as good for others. Matt Smith’s years were interesting and then Peter Capaldi ‘s at times were. The thing about Capaldi’s though is that everything for his first two years centered on Clara. I watch them and did like them to a point. But they did seem to at times flash from the TARDIS back to the school where Clara taught. Oh well, that is all in the past and all I can do is look forward to Season 10 and the old school villains returning to Doctor Who.

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