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Standalone: Season 11 Won’t Have a Main Story Arc, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Doctor Who fans have for the last thirteen years have watched episodes tied together by a central theme. Which gave them an idea what to look for as the watch? Well, in this article, the producer confirms there isn’t a story arc for Season 11. So, what does this mean to fans? First of all, it means each episode will be standalone.

Not having a story arc makes fans ask the question how will this help the show?  Will this make the show better or worse or will it be the same? Are the fans spoiled to the point this will cause some of them not to watch? Yeah, the story arc can make the episodes more interesting, but maybe by not having a central them will make it as good or better.

Fans may scratch their heads at this idea. It may make the wonder how will all of this work if there isn’t a central theme to wrap your head around? If anyone reads books or watches television series, the viewers will notice a central theme. The main idea is easily recognized. Therefore, the fans and the viewer use that theme as a point of reference.

Can not having a story arc be bad? Well, there are going to be some fans who will say yes. But at the same time, some fans will say it does not. So, which one is it? Of course, this falls back on the fan and the viewer. They are people that it does matter whether there is a central theme. But then you have some who must have something to tie each episode together.

At the moment, this all sounds rather strange. Some fans may ask, “Why did you not have a central theme? Don’t you know the episodes are going to be less interesting!”

One interesting thing to note though is there will be an arc but not a big one. The producer does confirm an arc which the Doctor and her companion growing relationship, and there will be some new little treats in each episode.

Only time will tell and only after watching season 11 will the fans know whether having standalone episodes work. Since the change of every part of the show, fans are in a wait and see mode, and this will be the same.


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