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Smiling Eyes: Don’t Let the Smile in their Eyes Fool You, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Smiling Eyes

Smiling eyes are an emoji expression which portrays happiness.  Well, tonight’s episode of Doctor Who has a new monster and I want you to know do not take it lightly. We will see emoji robots tonight, but they are not very friendly.

From the trailer, I see that Bill thinks they are cool. On the other hand the Doctor as always sees something different. This could and seems to be a very good story. Therefore, I cannot wait to see it. The dialogue says they land on Earth’s first colony. Now, now that is very interesting in itself. Therefore, I am looking forward to seeing what Steven Moffat has for us.

I believe that smile is not going to be a good thing on this show. Apparently. these emoji robots are deadly. The Doctor, Bill, or someone opens a hatch and skulls roll out. As a result I believe this is another killing machine. Don’t let the cuteness of these robot fool you. They may have smile on their faces, but they will kill you.

The video does doesn’t explain why they kill, but if you look at the picture the robots have eyes like skulls. That yo me is scary in itself. Whoever thought these robots up has a great imagination. We as viewer see emojis as being fun, but as with much of Doctor Who. They turn them into something evil. Well, it is Doctor Who and it is one of the only places we see such things.

Smile and get killed. Is that the premise behind these robots. I really do not know at the moment, but I will fins out after viewing the episode. I think that it will be a great story, and I am not to surprised by this because it is Doctor Who. If you notice now, this is the second new monster for Season 10. I think Steven Moffat is building up to a grand finally in the Christmas Special. I may be wrong, but it does seem that way to me.

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