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Season 10 Teaser Trailer featuring New Companion Bill Released, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Season 10 Teaser

Season 10 teaser trailer has been released. The BBC wants to let all Doctor Who fans that the new season is going to be better than ever. Watching this video makes me long for the new season. I really want to watch it now, but I will along with everyone else have to wait until April 20, 2017. Oh well there is not anything I can do about that.

The excitement is growing and I know that I am not the only fan who is ready for this. The length of time between the last episode and now is ridiculous. For diehard whovians, it has been way too long. I realize griping will not change anything, but hey I can gripe if I want. Therefore I may do some griping then again I may not do any, because we are almost to season 10.

The first time I see the trailer, I am so pumped. The way they use Bill to talk about the Doctor is great. This trailer to me builds excitement for the show and I sure hope it lives up to what is in the trailer. I have  feeling that this is going to be a great season with it being Steven Moffat’s last. I believe he will go all out to make it the best of his tenure as showrunner.

Hearing the way they write the shows around Pearl Mackie’s not ever being around Doctor Who is great. I read somewhere that they wrote the show from a newbie standpoint becasue she is not familiar with Doctor Who. This will be interesting. As old as the program is, I just can’t figure how someone is not familiar with Doctor Who. Maybe I live in a bubble and just can’t see that.

This season 10 teaser trailer is great and it makes me want to see the new season today. I hope you watch it and get the same feeling. What I find interesting is Bill’s take on the Doctor. At one point during the interview of Bill she calls the Doctor by the of Doctor What. I find that funny. I believe that Bill is going to be a great companion and may even be a little bit of a change of pace. Peter Capaldi should be great and I hope even better than the last two seasons. I know that he is mean at times to Clara and she gives it back. I just wonder how this is going to change since Bill, Pearl Mackie, is a totally different companion.

Well, only time can tell how the show does this year. I am hoping for a great one and look forward to many more. I know there are rumors of the BBC wanting to reboot the show. Meaning a possible change in the lead character and the companion as well. But I am not too worried right now about that. I just want season 10 to get here as soon as possible.


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