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Reveal: Thirteenth Doctor Becomes Known After Wimbleton, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


The excitement among whovians grows as they find out the reveal of the thirteenth Doctor comes after Wimbleton final.(1) I personal do not like the reveal being before seeing the new face on the television. This idea of the BBC letting everyone know months in advance is wrong. I would rather not know and get a big surprise on Christmas night. We live in a world of got to know. As a result, the BBC lets everyone know a long time before the episode airs.

I do realize that Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall as well the rest of the Doctor Who crew know already. But they should be the only ones until Christmas. I may be the only one, but then again maybe not. I love a surprise. Which tells anyone I do not want to know is replacing Peter Capaldi yet. The reveal will spoil any kind of anticipation of who will be on the other side of the regeneration energy.

I remember when I began watching the program back in the 80s. I never knew who was the next Doctor, but some of that may be because of the difference in exposure. Things were different then and Doctor Who was not as iconic as it is now. That to me does not make a difference. Maybe I am old school, but I feel they should keep who the person replacing Peter Capaldi a secret. I believe it builds drama and anticipation as you move through the episode. Like there not much anticipation already with the First Doctor showing up at the end of “The Doctor Falls”.

Well, what I think doesn’t really matter because I am one of only a few maybe who think this. Then again my view may be that of many, who knows. Well, the reveal is set and I cannot stop it. So,  guess we’ll know tonight who it is and then it will be plastered all over the internet.

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