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Return Date: Coming on New Years Day, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Return Date

Well, Whovians finally have a return date for their favorite show. According to this article, the day is January 1, 2020. They even give us the time to catch the newest episode. Whovians know to turn their televisions on at 6:55 PM. Now, that very well could be 6:55 in the UK, but it also could be played at 6:55 in every time zone. Most likely it airs in the UK first, then will air everywhere else later. But not sure about that. Whovians now know when they will see the Doctor again is a plus.

Whovians have waited longer this time, but maybe the wait is worth it. There was criticism from some fans about the writing of the scripts to the production by Chris Chibnall. It is hard to please every fan, but there are hopes there are better scripts and storylines which receive less criticism. The thing is Whovians are itching to see new episodes, and they have waited long enough. Okay, this wait is not as long as the one between McCoy and McCann? Neither is it as long as the 18-months in the late 80s.

Season 12 could be better than Season 11, and fans will find out soon. They should all be ready and glued to their televisions on New Years Day at 6:55 PM. The return of the Cybermen will be something to make this season better than last. The hope is for scripts to be better and the production aspect as well. Whovians want episodes that interest as well as entertain them. How hard is that? It is a big challenge for Chris Chibnall and the production team.

Hopefully, Season 12 brings us some great moments with the Doctor and her team. Whovians should look forward to Season 12 with anticipation of it being better than Season 11. Hoping Chibnall learned from his mistakes. Which will make Season 12 better than Season 11?




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