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Reboot: Doctor Who Undergoing a Complete Overhaul, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


In 2005, Russell T Davies did the first reboot of Doctor Who. Now, after seventeen years, the BBC is calling on him again. Davies’s first act as showrunner in 2005 was to cast a Doctor. Fast forward to 2022, Doctor Who is starting over again. Fans know he cast Christorpher Eccleston in 2005, and now they know he cast Tom Holland. In this article from Doctor Who TV, fans get the news about the fourteenth Doctor.

How will fans react to Holland being the Doctor? What do the fans say about the choice? Will fans have a hard time separating him from Spiderman? There may be some concerns about the casting of Holland for fans. The fans trust Davies because of his reputation from the first reboot. His work with Eccleston and Tennant is some of the best Doctor Who. As a result, fans expect Davies to do a great job because of his track record.

Will fans have concerns? Of course, concerns are part of changes. When changes happen, fans hope for things to get better. Some fans could feel that things can only get better. Because some fans didn’t like Chibnall as the showrunner. Well, they now have something new. Will they like the reboot? Only time will tell. However, the BBC’s choosing Davies to reboot Doctor Who may bring excitement. Why will fans be excited? They should be, but only time will tell.

Does the casting of Holland make you excited as a fan? Maybe that should be the question. How do you feel about the choice? Do you see him as a good Doctor? Do you think Spiderman can play the Doctor? Well, fans don’t pick who plays the Doctor, so they must wait and see how things will work.

First of all, Holland is the youngest actor to play the Doctor. Does that matter? No, Matt Smith was the youngest, but he did a great job. As a result, fans don’t have that as a reason for it not to work. Age is not a reason for it not to work. The fact that he is Spiderman does not raise concerns or should not raise concerns. As a result, all changes bring concerns. Therefore, fans will wait and see if it works.



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