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Question: A Very Uncomfortable One, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


In this article from Looper, an uncomfortable question is circulating among Doctor Who fans. The thing is, it is one that seems relevant. Everyone remembers David Tennant’s final episode, The End of Time. The Master had a scheme to change all humans into his clone. Well, fans are asking a question that is difficult to answer. You may wonder what is they are asking.

Thinking about this, you find it is relevant. Some fans wonder about the baby carried by their mother. Does the fetus look like the Master or its parents? When you think about it, could the change be that significant? There is one fan who believes the mother has a small version of the Master. How does that change your perspective of the story? In a way, it creates a horror flix rather than a cool timey wimey adventure. Is there anyone in their right mind want their unborn child to look like the Master?

So, there is another thought as well. Does the baby become non-existent? Since the Master is male, will the mother’s gender change and the baby disappear? Thinking about this, it could be valid. The babies can’t live because the female reproduction organs will be no longer exist. But does the process make that much of a change? You know Time Lords can be either male or female. So, does that mean the mothers change gender, therefore killing their babies?

It is a topic to debate, and there are going to be differing opinions. Let’s not change such a timey wimey adventure into a horror flix. It needs to be left alone. All this seems a little technical and does not belong. Maybe if you want to think that deeply you can. For some fans, it does not matter. They watch it for entertainment and do not get all worked up about it.


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