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Pure Historical: Chris Chibnall Willing to Do More, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Pure Historical

Doctor Who fans of the classic series will remember the stories which were pure historical. The original producers let the Doctor land in central Mexico and meet the Aztecs. Another event they appear is the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. Of course, the writers add the Doctor and his dialogue to the event. Twisting the event some to make the episode interesting for the audience. Well, according to this article from Radio Times, Chris Chibnall is open to bringing back this type of story.

This type of story disappears after only a few years, and the show becomes mostly fictional. But there would be one pure historical episode with Peter Davison called the Black Orchid in 1982. Fans saw another with Rosa from season 11.

One premise the creators had was for this to be a children’s show. So, the idea of shows revolving around historical events will be apparent. Is there anything wrong with moving away from this? Doctor Who fans may not see anything wrong with it, but you would think there is a need to embody the original thoughts. Some fans may love the idea of historical stories, and others may not be so keen on them.

This type of story can be great, and if done correctly, it can be very entertaining. These stories can be fan favorites as well. So, what the thoughts of fans on this? As mentioned above, it all depends on each person. It also depends on their thoughts about the showrunner in all of this. There is always the possibility of the writers placing an old enemy in a historical event, but that may not go over well with fans. But then again, fans my love it. Who knows because the writers won’t have the Daleks or the Cybermen appear in a story considered pure historical.

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