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Piper, Billie: Does She Return to Doctor Who, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Let’s start with saying there are many Rose Tyler fans in the world of Doctor Who. Billie Piper, in the beginning, was likable as Rose. Therefore she has a following. Those who are real fans want to see Rose return to Doctor Who. Well, according to this article, that may be in the works.
Now, will this happen? Who knows? The article has several tweets from multiple sources but does it give a clear picture? At least to this fan, it is not clear. In some ways, it all seems confusing at best. For die-hard fans, it makes them happy. They have waited for this for a long time. But those fans who only tolerated Rose not so much.
Billie Piper may return as Rose which can cause a big splash. Is a big splash what Chris Chibnall wants. Bring Rose back will take some creative thinking as well as writing. Everyone knows she is in an alternate universe. Understand though this is science fiction and anything is possible. Chibnall can bring her back as mentioned, but how will it be received?
There are lots of questions to be asked, and they will all revolve around how will he bring Rose back. What kind of explanation do fans get? Will this explanation please the fans? Will it be something fans can agree? How will Rose relate to Jodie’s Doctor? What does this mean for Doctor Who? Will bringing Rose back make Doctor Who better? How will the present companions and Rose relate? How many episodes will she be present?
Those are a few questions which come to mind. Others fans may have other questions? Doctor Who fans are some of the best fans in the world. And when it comes to their show, they only want the best. Therefore, changes need to be good. Change to Doctor Who or anything else should always benefit the show.
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