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Personality of the First Doctor, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Anyone who watches Doctor Who, can see that the Doctor is mysterious. This seems to be a trait of all incarnations. They really do not give much information about their early lives. I know that he tells us where he is from and his race, but there are other things which we do not know. Since, the beginning of the show, I can say for the First Doctor and maybe the Second Doctor. The mystery is very strong. Then as the show continues we gain more and more knowledge of the Doctor.

While watching the First Doctor, I get the impression he is an old grandpa. At least that is the way he comes across. He appears to be very old and at the same time frail. The description I find also tells me that even though he is old and frail, he has unexpected reserves of strength and will. (1) As I watch him, I can see he has extensive knowledge in the area of science, but seem inept at flying the TARDIS. But we find out much later that the TARDIS actually requires six pilots to fly it. At the same from watching the show, I can see that the TARDIS is not A1 when it comes to condition. The TARDIS is an old out of date time/spaceship. No, wonder why he has trouble flying it.

As I watch the show, his personality cannot be overlooked. At times I want to just draw back and hit him in the face. Now, the reason I say this is because of how he treats his companions. He is abrasive, very patronizing, and cantankerous.(2) If you ever watch him you will see why I say I want to hit him in the face. Now, I think in the end he truly cares for those who travel with him but his tone and actions tend to say something different. The one thing I know for sure watching the Doctor is that he loves his granddaughter Susan. He does his best to always protect her from danger and most of the time to no avail.

Something else which makes rather mad at this guy are his tactics to get his way. I really can’t trust the First Doctor. This wiry old man will lie in a heartbeat to get is way. I say this because of what he does in The Daleks. He lies to his companions about needing mercury for the fluid links to go to the city. Consequently, if lies about that he will do the same thing whenever he wants his way or just to get out of trouble. Hey, that reminds me so much like children.

Another personality trait for the First Doctor is that he has a ruthless streak.(3)  He had the kind of personality that he would whatever he need to to win or get his way. Not being able watch but one or two serials prevents me from actually saying to much about that. My research tells me that as the show moves along that the Doctor mellows out a little and that he gains a fondness for those travelling with him. The show is original for children so that is good. He becomes the grandfatherly figure the producers want.(4)

The last thing I want to mention is the fact that the First Doctor does not always talk plainly. I can feel this myself. I do not necessarily get tongue-tied, but I do stumble over words or repeat them 3 or 4 times before completing my sentence. The First Doctor did get tongue-tied and really made the show better.(5)

Overall, I personally like this cantankerous old man, but at times I could just slap him and tell him to please ease up on your companions.

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